Thursday 9 February 2017

The Holographic Principle (2016–present)

On May 31, 2016 Epica confirmed the title of the band's new album: The Holographic Principle, that was released on September 30, 2016. In an interview with Spark TV the band's singer Simone Simons discussed the complex nature of the album, explaining that the band used more "real, live instruments" than in previous albums and that this albums is "one of [the band's] most ambitious offerings to date". The band announced previously that the album would be released as part of their performance at the second edition of Epic Metal Fest, but later revised this, stating it would be released a day earlier.
They are currently on tour as part of The Holographic Principle World Tour. The band has already toured the North America and as of now is touring Europe. Plans for show in Asia and South America have been made.

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